Four mindsets for gift box customization

Packing done nicely, sales have no trouble. Suffice to say, the importance of gift box customization. Packaging box printing is systematic engineering. custom chocolate box manufacturers analysis, custom chocolate box will typically have four kinds of mentality.

First, the "want to do" mentality. ​Usually this kind of product simply wants to make packaging. As for what kind of packaging, what kind of box. No idea at all. But this kind of mentality, is especially anxious at the beginning, with a little understanding, the heat drops extremely quickly, normally ends in anticlimactic. This mentality of custom packaging box customers, about half.

Second, the "gotta do" mentality. This is usually very clearer than the first. ​Generally, they have their own counterpart, or packaging samples. They have certain quality requirements for packaging, hoping to quickly go online and seize the market. This mentality accounts for about 30 percent of customers.

Third, the "do it" mentality. This kind of mentality of customers will have a packaging budget, strict quality requirements and time limits, packaging box manufacturers also have standards, whether it is the early design, to the selection of materials, and finally to the use of technology. They all have their own standards. General large enterprises customized packaging boxes, this kind of mentality extra.

Fourth, the "do nicely" mentality. This kind of mentality of customers, will be top-level design, understand planning and marketing, will be analyzed from various latitudes. The resulting packaging can play a leading role. A typical example is the tiny pot of tea that was extremely popular in the last two years.

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